Velis auto brightness changelog
4.65.234 (09.09.2017)
- Fix for crashes in Androids < 5 (sorry)
- Fix for direct sunlight issues
- Fix for widget graph getting cleared
- Fix for Android 8 notification
4.65.233 (27.08.2017)
- Fix for very high sensor values (direct sunlight)
- Fix for excluded apps sensor value override (high value)
- Fix for profile button menu colours
4.65.231 (21.08.2017)
- Fix for Samsung glitch in excluded apps detection
- Fix for settings mode
- Fix for notifications freezing under full sunlight
- Updated russian translation
4.65.226 (17.07.2017)
- Updated italian language
- Top activity check uses much less battery now (Android 5 and above)
- Major remodel of internal workings. Also less battery usage
- Setting: brightness update interval: Reduce number of updates which would reduce battery usage
- Setting: Turn VAB on when screen turns on
- Setting: enable direct sun screen brightness boost
- (hopefully) more resilient service (should be stopped by system less often)
- When change is applied from notification, it's not lost on reboot any more
4.57.215 (09.06.2016)
4.57.214 (21.04.2016)
- Default camera API back to V1 (V2 gave too much trouble)
- Navigation drawer always open on wide enough displays
4.56.212 (21.02.2016)
- Split settings to Basic, Advanced
- Updated Russian language
4.56.210 (8.2.2016)
- Fix crashes (wizard, theming)
- Add support for Android Camera API v2 (might coexist with other camera apps better)
- Updated Romanian language
4.55.207 (8.1.2016)
- Fix for excluded apps in 5.0
- Widget would report tasker content not purchased when it in fact was
- Other minor fixes
4.55.205 (14.09.2015)
- Some minor tweaks and fixes
4.55.204 (09.09.2015)
- FIX: Excluded apps work on Android 5.1 and newer (requires special permission)
4.50.202 (04.9.2015)
- VAB now works in lock screen on lollipop
- Better superdim performance
- Theming
4.21.194 (19.5.2015)
4.21.193 (16.5.2015)
- FIX: Users on lollipop with camera as sensor will now have brightness for lock screen set to Screen-on sensor value override instead of fixed 80%
- Added setting for required number of touches (was fixed to 3) to refresh screen brightness when steady screen is on
- Add setting for brightness when VAB turns off for excluded apps
- FIX: Theming for buttons
- FIX: RTL did not work on manually selected RTL language
- FIX: new app install no longer shows the apply / cancel buttons
4.20.192 (22.4.2015)
- FIX: Best I can get for lollipop lock screen (sorta works)
My ultimate (and probably final) attempt at fixing lollipop lock screen. I have researched *everything* I could think of, nothing worked.
There's no way that I know of that can properly handle this, so I made an extremely ugly hack: I used system AB for those that have it and set screen to 80% brightness for everyone else (those on cameras as sensors). I'm so angry at Google right now and their API breaking changes. :mad: Total waste of my time, instead of adding semi-cool features, I have to slave around with this.
4.19.191 (21.4.2015)
- FIX: Wrong overlay type after lock screen (various things didn't work)
4.18.189 (20.4.2015)
- Yet another try at fixing lollipop lock screen
- This should also fix issues for delayed camera first read after leaving lock screen
- FIX: Additional brightness doesn't work
- FIX: Notification removed from lock screen
- FIX: Transparent icon removed from lollipop status bar
4.17.188 (15.2.2015)
4.16.187 (5.2.2015)
- Fix unresponsiveness in lollipop
4.15.183 (26.1.2015)
- Fix flickering lock screen on some devices
- Fix notification text color
4.13.182 (23.1.2015)
- Further fixes for lock screen
4.12.181 (20.1.2015)
- Fix excluded apps in lollipop
- Fix screen-on responsiveness when Lock screen is NOT among excluded apps
- Fix screen-on override (sometimes didn't work)
- Fix non-responsive auto-brightness in some situations
- Fix crashes at app start
4.10.180 (18.1.2015)
- Portugese by renatohm
- Fix lollipop issues
- Move to iab v3
- Move to Android Studio
- All images in app are now vector
4.01.177 (4.6.2014)
- New translation: greek by pugsang
- FIX: steadyscreen functionality now much more stable
4.00.175 (7.4.2014)
- FIX: Notification didn't properly update confirm / cancel button when they were pressed
- FIX: There were some crashes reported through play store. This fixes them
4.00.168 (6.3.2014)
- When screen is touched, brightness is not updated for specified time (a new setting - also in wizard)
- The above setting isn't active when VAB is frontmost app
- Notification is updated at least every 5 seconds (is now more precise)
- Unconditional additional brightness
- Additional brightness accepts negative numbers (will decrease brightness)
- FIX: Wizard back button now actually works + wizard page count fix
- FIX: After wizard, settings screen is refreshed to show selected values properly
3.60.166 (24.2.2014)
- Collapsible settings groups for easier navigation
- Excluded apps memory and performance improvements
- FIX: when sensor returned 0, some app functions didn't work correctly
- FIX: Sometimes changing profiles didn't work correctly
3.60.164 (15.2.2014)
- Added option to try and reduce erratic sensor readings in some devices (most notably SGS 3 and Note 2)
- Turning off interactive notification for Android 4.3 and up is now a regular settings option
- FIX: manual graph edit didn't work for many locales
3.55.162 (11.2.2014)
- Menu key now opens menu
- App titlebar now displays that there's a menu to be opened (and opens it)
- Floating point lux values: much greater precision for low sensor readings
- Some battery usage optimizations
- Camera now respects grab interval setting
- New language: dutch, thanks to Maardiweb
3.55.158 (7.2.2014)
- Completely redesigned reading interpolator. Less battery usage, fixes a ton of smoothing-related bugs
- FIX: If service is turned off, cameras will now stop reading
- FIX: Stopping VAB now completely removes the overlay. Should reduce issues on some devices when VAB was on and still held the brightness
3.55.153 (11.11.2013)
- Minor visual glitch fixes
- Interactive notification - only show the buttons once a custom brightness is set
- No notification option for Android 4.3+
- Vietnamese by Vu Hien
3.50.149 (1.11.2013)
- User interface via fragments
3.15.142 (16.10.2013)
- A fix for faulty EXIF records in some phone models
- Chinese language by Jinran Lin
3.15.141 (8.10.2013)
- Interactive notification
- Launcher widget can now also render transparent
3.10.135 (23.6.2013)
- Kernel sensor reader now safer + 0 reading is a valid reading
- Main screen VAB on/off now properly reflects service state
- Excluded apps now displays previously selected apps at the top of the list
- Launcher widget text forced to white
3.08.133 (22.6.2013)
- FIX: colors in excluded apps list would be strange on some phones
- Overlay no longer destroyed on screen off to eliminate delay for screen-on
- SGS 2 now has a kernel sensor reading mode which enables the entire sensor range instead of just 1, 10, 100, 1000
3.05.122 (9.4.2013)
- When superdimming threshold is set to 100%, it becomes the only method of adjusting screen brightness. Makes brightness adjustments much smoother on some phones (SGS3, GNex 4, etc). Since this method is completely linear, using a brighter preset is recommended or the screen might become too dark.
- Completely remove brightness window when disabling. Should fix problems with system brightness when VAB is disabled on some phones.
- Fix graph presets so that graph adjustments at right edge behave normally
- Fixed strange graph behaviour at graph edges
- Added graph adjustment sensitivity setting for more precision with graph adjustments
- Draw superdim threshold in graph (non-user-interactive for now)
3.00.118 (27.3.2013)
- Fix device exclusions due to camera permission
- Settings wizard no longer clears saved profiles
- Settings wizard no longer starts multiple times on new installs
- Fix sensitivity presets for settings wizard
- S-curve graph no longer renders beyond graph boundaries
- Updated translations: slovak
3.00.114 (24.3.2013)
- Reduced smoothing intervals to reduce flickering on high-end phones
- Graph period must not be set to 0 (if it's 0, it crashes)
- Preliminary camera support. See XDA thread for more info
2.82.101 (15.2.2013)
- Fix for app service disabling itself when a popup is active
2.81.101 (11.2.2013)
- Custom app language selection
- Excluded apps (will disable VAB when an excluded app is on top)
- Super dimming: in addition to backlight also add a screen filter for deeper blacks
- Separate setting for smoothing time when dimming
- Android 2.1 & 2.2 compatibility fix (store will still never work below 2.3)
2.81.95 (9.2.2013)
- Revert to 2.31.84 (13.1.2013) - before screen filter - to resolve some issues
- All updates since 2.31.84 temporarily disabled
- Will be added again as they are eliminated as possible causes for the issues detected
2.81.94 (9.2.2013)
- Android 2.1 & 2.2 compatibility fix (store will still never work below 2.3)
- Excluded apps list FC fix
2.81.92 (9.2.2013)
- Fix excluded apps dialog (loads apps smoother)
- Add superdim activation brightness check
- Updated translations: persian, slovene
2.80.90 (2.2.2013)
- Custom app language selection
- Excluded apps (will disable VAB when an excluded app is on top)
- Super dimming: in addition to backlight also add a screen filter for deeper blacks
- Separate setting for smoothing time when dimming
- Launcher widget 4 slots wide by default
2.31.82 (12.1.2013)
- Much faster brightness graph rendering (less CPU usage on main screen)
- Fixed smoothing "hiccups". Graph is now buttery smooth
- Only use samples after screen-on
- Add an s-curve graph to the presets
- Updated translations: slovak, slovene
2.30.80 (6.1.2013)
- Launcher widget
- Fix graph adjustments at graph edges
- Clear settings to default (when wizard starts)
2.20.76 (2.12.2012)
- Fix for landscape
- Fix for sensor getting stuck
- Fix for brightness remaining even when service is disabled
2.20.74 (21.11.2012)
- App will load custom translation strings (helps translators do their work, see app homepage for instructions)
- Updated translations: norwegian, italian, slovene
- Removed requirement for light sensor (will show app to sony xperia users)
2.20.72 (14.11.2012)
- Settings wizard
- Service will stop after a minute if auto brightness is disabled
- Support for proprietary sensor solution on Sony Xperia
- Better LTR language support
- Updated translations: german, persian, slovak, spanish
2.01.64 (30.10.2012)
- Added links to manual and changelog to app menu
- Screen_on sensor override value (going from light to dark room)
- Smoothing override setting (when light change is too big, it will just skip to new value)
- Setting to update system brightness setting
- Fix for proximity sensor action
- Fix (hopefully) for graph remaining stuck at some reading
- Better logging (long-press proximity reading values to set level 0 - 9)
- Manual graph editing as text
- Added display of changelog at program start
- Updated translations: slovene, german
- Added language: hungarian
2.00.61 (26.10.2012)
- Fix for in-app billing
- Updated translations: german
2.00.59 (26.10.2012) - XDA thread only
- Tasker / locale support
- In-app billing
- Updated translations: slovene, german, spanish
1.20.55 (22.10.2012)
- A first feeble attempt to prevent service terminations at night
- Better proximity sensor handling
- Enabled proguard to make the apk smaller and the code a bit faster
- Intermediate publish to prepare for tasker and in-app store
- Added language: russian, japanese, polish
- Updated translations: slovak, slovene
1.20.49 (15.10.2012)
- Updated translations: french, norwegian, german
- Remove strings that won't be used again
- Fix "track light in graph" buttons appearing without modifying graph
- Minor fix for about dialog
- Added language: persian
1.20.46 (13.10.2012)
- Updated translations for spanish and norwegian
- Fixed some untranslated strings (new strings for translators)
- Added about dialog to check current version
- Applying graph point now eliminates close neighbours and duplicates
- All new custom settings screen - should be more readable
- Supported language: french
1.10.40 (9.10.2012)
- Further optimizations to reduce battery consumption
- No longer updating android brightness (was just a cosmetic which turned out to use lots of CPU)
- Reduced last sensor value save interval to one minute to save even more battery
- Supported languages: slovak, spanish, norwegian (classic and bokmål)
1.10.37 (8.10.2012)
- Reduced graph size in landscape mode so that it fits on screen
- Supported languages: german, lithuanian
1.10.35 (7.10.2012)
- StartSensors checks for screen off - eliminates sensor time when screen is off
- Save current sensor value in case of service shutdown - load it when service restarts
- Change System handler text to "Disable system handler". Previous meaning was just the opposite
- Choosing a preset or profile now refreshes graph again
- Supported language: italiano
1.10.34 (5.10.2012)
- Sometimes in low light conditions brightness would drop to minimum without any apparent reason
- Fix a situation when (un)plugging power won't immediately adjust brightness.
- Fix for service activation switch which didn't properly turn off system auto brightness.
- Fixed class that required Android 2.3 - back to 2.1 support
- Translation support
- Supported language: slovenian
1.10.32 (4.10.2012)
- No more of no sensor reading
- Change app description (again) to please competitor
1.10.31 (3.10.2012)
- Battery usage fix. This should significantly reduce battery usage
1.10.26 (2.10.2012)
- Fixed sensitivity threshold
- Removed unnecessary calculations
- Optimized moving average routine
- Lower power consumption
- Change app description to please competitor
1.10.24 (1.10.2012)
- Fix FC at app first start
- Fix averaging function
1.10.21 (1.10.2012)
- Profiles (save the brightness graph under your own selected name)
- Jitter control to prevent excessive brightness updates
- Brightness smoothing to make the transitions smoother
- Minor bug / functionality fixes
1.0.20 (30.9.2012)
- initial Google play release
1.0.0 (12.8.2012)